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These projects were either selected for funding by members in 2019, or outside grants were secured from other sources or COI's.Projects are the intellectual property of the project leaders or their respective community groups or grassroots organizations. If you wish to know their methods, data, or collaborate, please contact them individually. Projects run by 501c3's are marked with a double asterisk(**)

Please note: All direct donations to an individual are considered non-tax deductible gifts
Donations to the Initiative are tax-deductible

You can fund members in multiple ways. We ENCOURAGE you to donate directly to members, as this gives them more control and ease of access to their funds without the nonprofit taking administrative fees or costs. But you can also donate directly to the JHFS COI and tell them you want the money to go to Siabhon’s project.

Facilitating Racial Justice

Canning & Preservation For PoC

Please note: All direct donations to an individual are considered non-tax deductible gifts
Donations to the Initiative are tax-deductible

You can fund members in multiple ways. We ENCOURAGE you to donate directly to members, as this gives them more control and ease of access to their funds without the nonprofit taking administrative fees or costs. But you can also donate directly to the JHFS COI and tell them you want the money to go to Siabhon’s project.

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Canning & Preservation Funding Goals!!

Community Safety Section


Please note: All direct donations to an individual are considered non-tax deductible gifts
Donations to the Initiative are tax-deductible

You can fund members in multiple ways. We ENCOURAGE you to donate directly to members, as this gives them more control and ease of access to their funds without the nonprofit taking administrative fees or costs. But you can also donate directly to the JHFS COI and tell them you want the money to go to Siabhon’s project.

I am working on a project that will bring food to areas that are suffering systematic food apartheid. I provide recipes for the food that is provided so the community can utilize and learn new meal ideas. We are putting together a community recipe book and a YouTube show highlighting some of the recipes in the cookbook and also the food that we have provided to our community.Along with a few other fun things =) I have teamed up with two amazing women from my community and we have been pushing for police reform in our local area. We call ourselves SIS - Sisters in Solidarity. We have and will continue to host protest, rallies and marches in order to educated our community on how to hold police and our elected officials accountable. Black Lives Matter!

Budget Breakdown for OurTable253

Recipe book materials:
$60 paper
$350 book covers
$1000 Printing costs/recipes for food boxes and cookbook

Gift/Food cards: $350 for three months/$30 weekly
Staff/Labor: $6,300/Three staff members for three months at $700 monthly per person
Caterer/recipe maker: $800 for duration of program Safety/Transportation: $400 Fuel/reimbursement
COVID 19 safety protection: $400
Cookware essentials
$1000 cookware and food. One time cost! Total: $10,660.00

I am striving to help others make their dreams come true. I use my business background to help write business plans and marketing strategies.
And provide updates and information


Email: [email protected]